Post by Admin on Nov 14, 2013 14:57:41 GMT
1. All Proboards Terms of Service must be adhered to by all members at all times.
2. Verses poetry forums hopes to build a creative commons where members are free to interact in a friendly, nurturing manner. As such, we expect that all members and staff will display respect for each other, for creative differences and differences in opinion. At no time should any member disparage Verses members or staff (on-site or by PM), any other poetry site, its members or management. Do not get into a flame war with other members! If a member or guest is harassing you, notify an Admin immediately and do NOT get into an argument on the boards. Instigators will have their accounts suspended at the discretion of the Admin team.
3. We ask that you not post more than 3 poems per day in any one board of the "Member Poetry" category. This may be increased in the future as staff increases to accommodate need. We also ask that you not post any more than 1 poem per day in the Poetry Development board itself. If you are posting in that board, then you should be looking to improve the poem you currently have posted there.
4. Please take the time to read and comment on at least two (2) poems by other poets before posting a new original poem of your own. The more poems that receive your comments, the more members are likely to leave feedback on your work. This also helps to build our community environment, which Verses sincerely hopes to nurture. We want you to grow and flourish as writers and poets, and Verses to grow into a self-sustaining literary improvement community.
5. We reserve the right to remove graphic pictures, inappropriate comments, and/or entire threads at our discretion. What qualifies as too graphic? If you have to ask, it probably is.
6. Proboards does not allow Explicit/Mature subject matter. Poetry that is deemed too mature or explicit for Verses poetry forums will be removed from the boards by our staff without notice beforehand, however authors of such poetry will be notified by PM and allowed to revise such poetry to meet the standards set for these forums. If you are uncertain if a poem is too mature or explicit, please PM an Admin for approval prior to posting. "Tagging" a poem as "Explicit" or "Mature" will result in its immediate removal from the board.
7. Links: we won’t abide spamming our members on the boards or in Private Messages (PM’s). Spam includes external links and advertising. You may include a link in your profile or promote published work in our Published Poets thread. You may include a link directly supporting a discussion thread within said discussion thread. Posting external links in signatures or at the end of a post will result in a warning. Repeated offenses will get your account suspended. If you’re unsure whether a link is appropriate, please contact an Admin.
8. You retain all rights to your poems upon posting them in the forums. Please post only your own original work in the Poetry boards. Plagiarism is not tolerated and will result in immediate banning of the guilty member. Please acknowledge original writers in parodies and any parts of their work that you use. It is vital, and your own responsibility, to keep your own offsite copies of your own poems!! In the case of banishment, we are not obligated, or entitled, to send you copies. This site is hosted on (ProBoards) for free. Disasters happen and servers occasionally crash. Verses Poetry Forums is not responsible for lost work!!
9. Derogatory comments or harassment directed at a group or person for any reason will be deleted and the member given a permanent warning. Repeated offenders will be banned so don't do it again. Don't be a jerk. We're here to help develop writers, not babysit bigots.
10. Failure to conform to Terms of Service may result in suspension of an account or banishment as determined by the Administrative staff. As a free service, we also reserve the right to refuse service or terminate an account at any time without prior notice. You've been forewarned, and we reiterate here: don't be a jerk.
We may revise these Terms Of Service whenever we see fit.
Now have fun and get posting!! All submitted items are Copyright © to their original author. These Forums are not responsible for your lost or stolen work. You are. Keep copies of your work. Anyone found plagiarizing will be immediately and forever banned with extreme prejudice!!
2. Verses poetry forums hopes to build a creative commons where members are free to interact in a friendly, nurturing manner. As such, we expect that all members and staff will display respect for each other, for creative differences and differences in opinion. At no time should any member disparage Verses members or staff (on-site or by PM), any other poetry site, its members or management. Do not get into a flame war with other members! If a member or guest is harassing you, notify an Admin immediately and do NOT get into an argument on the boards. Instigators will have their accounts suspended at the discretion of the Admin team.
3. We ask that you not post more than 3 poems per day in any one board of the "Member Poetry" category. This may be increased in the future as staff increases to accommodate need. We also ask that you not post any more than 1 poem per day in the Poetry Development board itself. If you are posting in that board, then you should be looking to improve the poem you currently have posted there.
4. Please take the time to read and comment on at least two (2) poems by other poets before posting a new original poem of your own. The more poems that receive your comments, the more members are likely to leave feedback on your work. This also helps to build our community environment, which Verses sincerely hopes to nurture. We want you to grow and flourish as writers and poets, and Verses to grow into a self-sustaining literary improvement community.
5. We reserve the right to remove graphic pictures, inappropriate comments, and/or entire threads at our discretion. What qualifies as too graphic? If you have to ask, it probably is.
6. Proboards does not allow Explicit/Mature subject matter. Poetry that is deemed too mature or explicit for Verses poetry forums will be removed from the boards by our staff without notice beforehand, however authors of such poetry will be notified by PM and allowed to revise such poetry to meet the standards set for these forums. If you are uncertain if a poem is too mature or explicit, please PM an Admin for approval prior to posting. "Tagging" a poem as "Explicit" or "Mature" will result in its immediate removal from the board.
7. Links: we won’t abide spamming our members on the boards or in Private Messages (PM’s). Spam includes external links and advertising. You may include a link in your profile or promote published work in our Published Poets thread. You may include a link directly supporting a discussion thread within said discussion thread. Posting external links in signatures or at the end of a post will result in a warning. Repeated offenses will get your account suspended. If you’re unsure whether a link is appropriate, please contact an Admin.
8. You retain all rights to your poems upon posting them in the forums. Please post only your own original work in the Poetry boards. Plagiarism is not tolerated and will result in immediate banning of the guilty member. Please acknowledge original writers in parodies and any parts of their work that you use. It is vital, and your own responsibility, to keep your own offsite copies of your own poems!! In the case of banishment, we are not obligated, or entitled, to send you copies. This site is hosted on (ProBoards) for free. Disasters happen and servers occasionally crash. Verses Poetry Forums is not responsible for lost work!!
9. Derogatory comments or harassment directed at a group or person for any reason will be deleted and the member given a permanent warning. Repeated offenders will be banned so don't do it again. Don't be a jerk. We're here to help develop writers, not babysit bigots.
10. Failure to conform to Terms of Service may result in suspension of an account or banishment as determined by the Administrative staff. As a free service, we also reserve the right to refuse service or terminate an account at any time without prior notice. You've been forewarned, and we reiterate here: don't be a jerk.
We may revise these Terms Of Service whenever we see fit.
Now have fun and get posting!! All submitted items are Copyright © to their original author. These Forums are not responsible for your lost or stolen work. You are. Keep copies of your work. Anyone found plagiarizing will be immediately and forever banned with extreme prejudice!!